Southwood is proud to take part in this year’s Terry Fox School Run.  Please help us to continue the legacy of one of Canada’s greatest heroes. Your child will be bringing home pledge sheets for our Annual Terry Fox Run which is being held on Friday, September 22nd.  We are asking our students to start collecting pledges from friends and family members.  Terry set goals everyday.  Our school’s goal this year is to have every classroom fundraise $100 for the Terry Fox Foundation.  A small prize will be given to each student in every class that meets this goal.  As well, the class that fundraises the most will be given a pizza party!  Please help keep Terry’s dream alive of one day finding a cure for cancer by donating and/or collecting donations with your child.  Our school is also set up to collect online donations.  (Instructions are included at the bottom of the pledge form that your child brings home.

You can fundraise in various ways –

  • by clicking this link or scan the QR code on your pledge form
  • by cash or cheque donations (cheques to be made payable to The Terry Fox Foundation)
  • bring $2.00 to the office and put it in the “Toonie for Terry” pail

Please return your child’s pledge sheet and money by Friday, September 29th.

For an extra printable copy of the pledge sheet please click here




in: General