Mask Necklace Fundraiser – early delivery for orders placed by this Friday!

Last Friday, order sheets were sent home with your student(s) for our Mask Necklace Fundraiser! These handy necklaces keep your mask within easy reach so that you always have quick access to it when you need it. Exclusively for Southwood School students are the color coordinated cohort masks which have their name, last initial and class on one side and their mascot on the other so that if they do misplace it throughout the day, it is fast and easy to return it to them! For friends and family (or student use outside of school!) you can order mask necklaces that say anything and choose your colors.

Order deadline is October 16 with delivery scheduled for the first week in November, but if you get your order in by this Friday, October 9th delivery may be as early as October 16th (to 23rd depending on volume of orders).

Follow the link below to print your class order forms in case yours got misplaced or you need extra. Please pay careful attention to the class designation below the top left photo and print the correct order form for your student’s class (designations are the grade number and first initial of the last name. For example 1P is Mr. Peters grade 1 class.)

Mask Necklace Order Forms

50% of profits go toward Southwood School Fundraising initiatives and they are locally and handmade!

Order yours today!

in: General