The month of October targets a number of safety awareness areas. Southwood School will be recognizing International Walk-to-School Month with three morning walks. The morning walks will take place on October 7th, 14th, 21st. Each day we will be starting from a new location and walking to school. Students are invited to join staff as they “walk to school”.
These morning walks are intended to promote traffic safety, physical activity, and promoting environmental issues. We will also be selling “walk-a-thon” t-shirts for $10 per t-shirt while supplies last. Proceeds from the sales will be used to purchase playground equipment. The iwalk dates and locations are as follows:
Iwalk#1 – Oct 7th/leaving from Barkman Park Parking lot at 8:30 am
Iwalk#2 – Oct 14th/leaving from Hanover School Division Office at 8:30 am
Iwalk#3 – Oct 21st/leaving from Emmanuel Free Church Parking lot at 8:30 am.
Bus safety drills will be conducted with all students during the week of Bus Safety Week from October 19th to 23rd. Bus specific evacuation drills will be conducted for each student that takes the bus to school by their bus drivers during one of the bus runs in the month.
in: General