Catch the Holiday Spirit – December 12th

Southwood’s Grades 3 and 4 students are excited to present “Catch the Holiday Spirit” at our Christmas Concert this year. We will be having two performances this year at the Grace Mennonite Church: Thursday Dec. 12th at 5:30 p.m (Students in 3B, 3H, 3VB, 3/4KP and 3/4 KB) Thursday Dec. 12th at 7:30 p.m. (Students in 3/4D, 4H, 4N, 4P and 4S) Doors open at 5:00 pm for the first show and then again at 7:00 p.m for the 2nd… Read More

in: General

December Dress Up Days!

Join in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays this month with our special themed dress up

in: General

Scholastics Book Fair

Mark your calendars! Our annual Scholastics Book Fair is taking place from November 25th – November 28th this year. Students will have the opportunity to come and browse the book fair with their classes early in the week and then will have a chance the 27th and 28th to come make purchases should they so wish. We will also be having our family night that will coincide with the teacher conferences on the evening of November 28th. Join us to… Read More

in: General

Southwood School Food Drive

Southwood is participating in a food drive to collect items for South East Helping Hands. We will run this drive from November 4th to November 21st. We have decided to divide the items and ask for each grade to bring specific items. Please send an email to your class about the drive and invite them to bring the items on their list. A table will be set up near the entrance for items to be placed at. Kindergarten Cake mixes,… Read More

in: General

Reminder – Terry Fox Run

On Wednesday, September 25th, and Thursday, September 26th, Southwood School is proud to be taking part in this year’s Terry Fox School Event. Run route details: The students will be running the inside perimeter of either the north or south playgrounds during their gym class. Please help us to continue the legacy of one of Canada’s greatest heroes, by donating and supporting our school’s fundraising efforts. Through our participation in the Terry Fox School Run, we hope to encourage our… Read More

in: General

Strong Connections – September 13th & 16th

Strong Connections at Southwood School is an event deliberately set up so that half of our students attend on Sept. 13th and half attend on Sept. 16th. It is an opportunity for teachers to “get-to-know” their students as a learner in a small group setting. This “get to know” each other is important every fall as our relationships with students is the foundation of our work. Getting to know our students includes getting to know them as a unique human… Read More

in: General

Terry Fox Run 2024

Southwood School is proud to take part in this year’s Terry Fox School Run. Please help us to continue the legacy of one of Canada’s greatest heroes. Attached are the pledge sheets for our annual Terry Fox Run which is being held on Wednesday, September 25th. We are asking our students to start collecting pledges from friends and family members. Terry set goals everyday. Our school’s goal this year is to have every classroom fundraise a minimum of $100 for… Read More

in: General

Annual School Picnic – June 27th, 2024

Southwood Family Picnic June 27th, Day 6 at 11:45 a.m. until 12:50 p.m We are very excited to welcome you all to the Family Picnic Event for lunch on Thursday, June 27th at 11:45 a.m. until 12:50 p.m. Please continue reading for all the important details. > Bring a picnic lunch, lawn chairs or a blanket to eat on. Weather permitting, everyone will eat outside on the playground. > Please note that if you are buying restaurant food locally, we… Read More

in: General

Kindergarten Welcome Evening

Our Kindergarten Welcome Evening will be held on May 7th from 5:30-7:00. We will start in the gym for a quick welcome. After a quick presentation, we will separate into multiple groups. These groups will tour the school, visit the kindergarten classes, play on the play structure, ride a school bus and receive a present! On May 8th and 9th, we have our Kindergarten Orientation. You should have already received an email with your allotted appointment time. If you did… Read More

in: General