Southwood’s Grades 3 and 4 students are excited to present “Catch the Holiday Spirit” at our Christmas Concert this year. We will be having two performances this year at the Grace Mennonite Church:
Thursday Dec. 12th at 5:30 p.m (Students in 3B, 3H, 3VB, 3/4KP and 3/4 KB)
Thursday Dec. 12th at 7:30 p.m. (Students in 3/4D, 4H, 4N, 4P and 4S)
Doors open at 5:00 pm for the first show and then again at 7:00 p.m for the 2nd show.
Seating at the Grace Church is limited to 400 guests per showing and we want to accommodate each students’ immediate family members. Please consider this when inviting your child’s friends and family attend with you.
When arriving at before the concert, students should go directly downstairs to their spots to get ready with their teachers.
*Please note*
Out of consideration for the privacy of our families and students and respect for each other’s concert experience, we ask that you do not use your cell phones to record and post pictures of other families’ children. There will be a brief opportunity to take close up photos of your child at the end of the concert.
At the end of the concert, please plan to stay seated while the students return downstairs to get their things. Students will be return to the stage in class groups to be dismissed to their parents. Students may choose to dress up for the concert if they wish, but there are no required costumes or formal wear. They may choose to dress more comfortably if they wish.
in: General