Wednesday, February 21st, is Southwood’s Winter Fun Day, weather permitting.
(Alternate date is: Thursday, Feb. 29th.) The Kindergarten and grade 1 classes
will be sledding on the nature hill in the school playground during their scheduled
phys. ed. time, while Grades 2-4 will be taking the bus to Abe’s Hill to go
sledding. Students going to Abe’s Hill will need permission forms signed and an
email will be sent out letting you know when this will be available on the parent
Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather that day as
we will be outside more than usual: winter hat, mittens, (no finger gloves), as well
as face protection from windchill (no loose scarves), and ski pants. Please do not
send sleds from home. Students are encouraged (however not required) to wear
a properly fitted CSA approved hockey helmet or a properly fitted snow sport
The grades 2-4 students will be given hot chocolate after their scheduled time
sledding, while the K and grade 1 students will enjoy a juice box.
We are looking forward to a fun and engaging day enjoying the outdoors, being
physically active while building community as a school!
in: General