Take a look at our 2023-2024 Southwood School Staff Favourite Children’s Book List! Have you read any of these favourites?

Marge Thiessen
City Dog, Country Frog
–Mo Willems

Chantal Johnson
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
–J.K. Rowling

Tara Bairos
Where the Wild Things Are
–Maurice Sendak

Tamara Banman
The Giving Tree
–Shel Silverstein

Courtney Baudry
The Kissing Hand
–Audrey Penn

Vally Bergman
A Boy Called Bat
–Elana K. Arnold

Karla Brown
–Robert Munsch

Tabitha Cavanagh
Purple, Green and Yellow
–Robert Munsch

Cheryl Chernos
Thomas’ Snowsuit
–Robert Munsch

Lisa Coulter
Night Animals
–Gianna Marino

Laurie Cox
The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School
–Laura Murray

Michaela Dueck
Ladybug’s Birthday
–Steve Metzger

Corliss Friesen
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
–Eric Carle

Kendra Friesen
The Giving Tree
–Shel Silverstein

Megan Goncalves
If You’re Not From the Prairie
–David Bouchard

Christie Gudmundson
Round Trip
–Ann Jonas

Holly Gushuluk
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
–Mo Willems

Cassie Healey
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
–J.K. Rowling

Melissa Heinrichs
The Very Cranky Bear
–Nick Bland

Julia Hiebert
The Magician’s Nephew
–C.S. Lewis

Anna Hocking
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
–Roald Dahl

Lindsay Hrehirchuk
Wemberly Worried
–Kevin Henkes

Jordan Hurton
–Rudyard Kipling

Sandi Kauenhofen
The Day the Crayons Quit
–Drew Daywalt

Kayla Mehling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
–J.K. Rowling

Marianne Neufeld
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
–Roald Dahl

Donna Neufeldt
Makeup Mess
–Robert Munsch

Brad Peters
I Want My Hat Back
–Jon Klassen

Kristjana Peterson
Jillian Jiggs
–Phoebe Gilman

Teighlor Porth
Jonathan Cleaned Up-Then He Heard a Sound
–Robert Munsch

Trudy Smeltz
The Wild Robot Series
–Peter Brown

Mrs. Vogt
Fox in a Box
–Eva Klassen

Michelle Wiebe
The Mountain That Loved a Bird
–Alice McLerran

Amber Friesen
–Jennifer Harney

Cindy Froese
Love You Forever
–Robert Munsch

Sarah Locke
The Dutchess Bakes a Cake
–Virginia Kahl

Kathy Bergen
Guess How Much I Love You
–Sam McBratney

Chris Bolisay
Mixed: A Colorful Story
–A. Chung

Sarah Borkowsky
As Small As An Elephant
–Jennifer Jacobson

Lori Chipilski
Green Eggs and Ham
–Dr. Seuss

Kassidy Esau
If You Give A Moose A Muffin
–Laura Numeroff

Hilda Hildebrand
The Wonky Donkey
–Craig Smith

Karen Hoffman
The Monster At the End Of This Book
–Jon Stone

Elizabeth Ikhine
Purple, Green and Yellow
–Robert Munsch

Kristy Klassen
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
–Judi Barrett

Charlene Kratavicius
–Robert Munsch

Vanessa Maendel
Love You Forever
–Robert Munsch

Stephanie Noll
Oh The Places You’ll Go
–Dr. Suess

Sharon Osiowy
The Sun and the Wind – Aesop Fable
–retold by Cornelia Lehn

Erica Rempel
50 Below Zero
–Robert Munsch

Kristina Schelenberg
Stephanie’s Ponytail
–Robert Munsch

Brittany Schinke
The Lorax
–Dr. Seuss

Jennifer Schroeder
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
–J.K. Rowling

Janett Seibel
–Paulette Bourgois

Tanisha Thakur
100 Facts : The Human Body
–Steve Parker

Russ Sobering
The Three Little Pigs
–James Marshall