Beginning on April 28, 2016, Southwood School will facilitate a community engagement through the online group insight platform, Thoughtexchange. We invite all parents/guardians of children attending our school to take part in this unique and exciting opportunity to share their thoughts.
Contribute to the conversation, and help our school identify community-shared priorities, appreciations, and concerns. The results of this engagement will help inform future decisions at the school and divisional levels.
Participation is voluntary but as our partners in the education of your children, we want to hear from you! Learn more about the process.
Sharing Stage is Now Open! Email invitations were sent out on April 28 to all parents/guardians. Didn’t receive an invite? It’s possible that the invitation was inadvertently flagged as SPAM (please check your junk mail folder) or that we did not have your email address on file. You can still participate by registering your email address with Thoughtexchange – Click Here to Self-Register
in: General