Mission Statement

Together; we CARE, we LEARN, we GROW.

School Supplies
Southwood School student school supplies are purchased by the school. Parents pay a supply fee to cover these costs. Fees are as follows… $55 for K – 3 students and $65 for Grade 4’s and students in 3/4 classrooms. Parents should ensure their child has a backpack, lunch bag or kit, indoor shoes, headphones or earbuds and Kleenex.

* View full calendar of events at Southwood School.

Latest News

February Is Literacy Month

At Southwood School we focus on literacy every month. However, the month of February is known as “Literacy Month”, so we want to take time during February to do some extra literacy activities to help show the joys of reading, writing and playing games that promote literacy. We will kick off Literacy Month with our usual Corny Rempel assembly Monday, February 3rd. Corny will be doing 2 separate “performances” since we have such large student numbers this year. The first… Read More

in: General

Catch the Holiday Spirit – December 12th

Southwood’s Grades 3 and 4 students are excited to present “Catch the Holiday Spirit” at our Christmas Concert this year. We will be having two performances this year at the Grace Mennonite Church: Thursday Dec. 12th at 5:30 p.m (Students in 3B, 3H, 3VB, 3/4KP and 3/4 KB) Thursday Dec. 12th at 7:30 p.m. (Students in 3/4D, 4H, 4N, 4P and 4S) Doors open at 5:00 pm for the first show and then again at 7:00 p.m for the 2nd… Read More

in: General

December Dress Up Days!

Join in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays this month with our special themed dress up

in: General

Scholastics Book Fair

Mark your calendars! Our annual Scholastics Book Fair is taking place from November 25th – November 28th this year. Students will have the opportunity to come and browse the book fair with their classes early in the week and then will have a chance the 27th and 28th to come make purchases should they so wish. We will also be having our family night that will coincide with the teacher conferences on the evening of November 28th. Join us to… Read More

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